Price List
Below is a list of all the educational materials and programs available for purchase through Valley Speech Language and Learning Center. This list is seperated by program. If you would like to request a quote to your specific needs and quantities please contact us or browse our online store.
Lenguaje y Lectura
(Preschool - Kinder)
( First Grade - Second Grade)
Lenguaje y Lectura Teacher Kit ........................................................ $ 195.00
Lenguaje y Lectura Manual 4th Edition ............................................ $ 80.00
Lenguaje y Lectura Reading Deck (A-Z only) ..................................... $ 30.00
Lenguaje y Lectura Training Manual ................................................. $ 25.00
Lenguaje y Lectura Student Workbook............................................... $ 20.00 Lenguaje Y Lectura Student Set ....................................................... $ 40.00
Print Writing Workbook (Letras de Molde) ........................................ $ 16.00
Cursive Writing Workbook (Letras Cursivas) ...................................... $ 16.00
Esperanza Spanish Alphabet Strip...................................................... $ 3.50
Esperanza Mirror............................................................................. $ 3.50
Spanish Plastic Letters (Lowercase) ................................................. $ 3.50
Spanish Plastic Letters (Uppercase) ................................................. $ 3.50
Alphabet Mat.................................................................................. $ 3.00
Esperanza Counters Set .................................................................. $ 3.00
Esperanza Writing Frame................................................................. $ 18.00
Esperanza Teacher Kit- Cursive ........................................................ $ 520.00
Esperanza Teacher Kit - Print ........................................................... $ 520.00
Esperanza Teacher Manual 8th Edition ............................................ $ 250.00
Esperanza Reading Affixes & Root Deck ........................................... $ 80.00
Esperanza Training Manual & Assessments ....................................... $ 35.00
Practica de Lectura Manual 2nd Edition ............................................ $ 75.00
Practica de Lectura Manual 2nd Edition
with 276 Vocabulary Picture Cards ............................................... $ 150.00
Practica de Lectura Voc. Picture Cards ONLY..................................... $ 85.00
Practica de Lectura Student Workbook .............................................. $ 20.00
Practica de Lectura Student Readers (78 books in color).................... $ 235.00
Practica de Escritura Manual ............................................................ $ 60.00
Practica de Escritura Student Workbook ............................................ $ 18.00
Esperanza Intervention Set - Cursive .................................................. $ 815.00
Esperanza Intervention Set - Print .................................................. $ 815.00
Esperanza Student set - Cursive ......................................................... $ 60.00
Esperanza Student set- PRINT............................................................ $ 60.00
Student Activity Book- Book 1 PRINT................................................. $ 20.00
Student Activity Book- Book 2 PRINT................................................. $ 20.00
Student Activity Book- Book 1 CURSIVE.............................................. $ 20.00
Student Activity Book- Book 2 CURSIVE ............................................ $ 20.00
Esperanza Spanish Alphabet Strip...................................................... $ 3.50
Esperanza Mirror............................................................................. $ 3.50
Spanish Plastic Letters (Lowercase) ................................................. $ 3.50
Spanish Plastic Letters (Uppercase) ................................................. $ 3.50
Alphabet Mat.................................................................................. $ 3.00
Esperanza Counters Set .................................................................. $ 3.00
Esperanza Writing Frame................................................................. $ 18.00
WELLS Program
Working with English Language Learners
WELLS 3 Program Kit ............................... $ 500.00
WELLS 3 Student Workbook ..................... $ 25.00
WELLS 3 Transition Deck .......................... $ 50.00
WOW Program
Words of our World
WOW 1 Program ..................................... $150.00
WOW 2 Program ..................................... $150.00
WOW 3 Porgram ..................................... $150.00
JELL Program
Journey into English Language Literacy
JELL Program- English ......................... $150.00
JELL Program- Spanish ........................ $150.00
Shipping Policy:
Please note we do have a 10% shipping and handling fee.
Orders under $150 will receive a $15 shipping fee.
Please note that if you are purchasing materials with a school credit card and are tax exempt, you must call our office to complete your order and send your certificate to avoid this fee.
We do not offer any discounts on our materials.
No refunds, exhanges, or returns on materials purchased.